ECHA to evaluate alternative tox test
Submitted by:
Andrew Warmington
The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has contracted Germany’s Fraunhofer Institute to whether an enhanced Fish Embryo Toxicity (FET) test, could be a valid alternative to chronic fish toxicity testing.
The FET test is already one of the most popular alternatives to acute toxicity testing. An enhanced FET could take advantage of adverse effects induced by chemicals being foreshadowed by alterations in gene expression, which could potentially be detected using transcriptomic methods. It might also provide information about the mode of toxicological action.
This is all part of the agency’s efforts to develop new approach methods (NAMs) in testing that avoid animal testing. Fish are important models for evaluating modes of toxicological action such as endocrine-disrupting effects in the environment but their embryos are not a protected life stage under EU’s animal welfare regulation.
Separately, ECHA’s Member State Committee has added the flame retardant and plasticiser triphenyl phosphate (CAS 115-86-6) to the Candidate List of substances of very high concern (SVHC) under REACH as an endocrine disrupter. This now totals 242 substances deemed harmful to human health and/or the environment.